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1 January 2004 Regional Management Strategies for Federal Offshore Borrow Areas, U.S. East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts
Jacqueline Michel
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With the increased demand for Federal sand and gravel resources on the outer continental shelf, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) is developing strategies for environmentally sound and fiscally responsible management of the resource. A process is needed for planning, decisionmaking, and coordination among stakeholders. Two workshops were conducted in Texas and New Jersey to solicit input from Federal, State, and local government representatives, university researchers, and private companies on key issues. Based on the results of the workshop, it was recommended that sand management task forces be established in each state, starting with those states that can provide a strong technical and administrative lead and have a high level of interest in accessing Federal borrow sites. Sand management task forces would be responsible for planning, coordinating, and facilitating the use of OCS sand for beach nourishment and coastal restoration projects. MMS's responsibilities include taking the lead in the design and funding of long-term monitoring studies of the impacts of dredging OCS sand, sponsoring workshops on technical and policy issues, and providing a clearinghouse for dissemination of studies and findings on actual environmental impacts, focusing on key issues such as cumulative impacts.

Jacqueline Michel "Regional Management Strategies for Federal Offshore Borrow Areas, U.S. East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts," Journal of Coastal Research 20(1), 149-154, (1 January 2004).[149:RMSFFO]2.0.CO;2
Received: 6 June 2003; Accepted: 1 June 2003; Published: 1 January 2004
OCS sand
sand resources
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